The Code Enforcement oversees and administers day-to-day operations of the Department and review all applications submitted for regulatory applicability to the New York State Building Codes and the Town of Groveland Local Law(s) for the jurisdictional area of the Town of Groveland. The Code Enforcement Officer issues respective Building Permits, Zoning Permits, Demolition Permits, Soil Erosion Permits, Flood Permits, Certificates of Occupancy/Use and Compliance Certificates and monitor, inspect and approve construction site phases (footers, foundations, framing, plumbing, occupancy change/use, etc.)
All permits require Proof of Workers’ Compensation Insurance Coverage.
This department is also responsible for the periodic Fire and Safety Inspections on multiple housing units and commercial structures.
Code Enforcement Officer,
Zoning Enforcement Officer & Fire Marshall
Ron Maxwell
Contact Info:
Mailing Address:
Town of Groveland, Code Department
4955 Aten Road
Groveland, NY 14462
Office Hours:
Vary, no set office hours. It is recommended to call and schedule an appointment. All inspection require 24-72 hours notice by cell phone 585-447-1358.
Fees for Permits & Applications (click here)
Property complaint form
Permit Applications & Forms: