Dog Licenses

Dog Licenses

All dogs in New York State require a license. Proof of a rabies vaccination from a veterinarian is required along with a certificate of spay or neutering. The rabies certificate must contain the date the shot was given and the expiration. For dogs that are unable to receive a rabies shot, a Certificate of Exemption from Rabies Vaccination MUST be completed by the attending veterinarian and the dog owner.


Livingston Cty Free Rabies Clinic - hold clinics throughout the year at various locations.


Dogs over the age of four (4) months must be licensed. Dog licenses must be renewed every year and the fees are as follows:

Effective January 1, 2011 NYS Ag & Markets does not oversee or send renewal dog licenses. The Town has updated their dog law according to the NYS dog changes.

Dog law

  • Spayed / Neutered dogs $ 8.50
  • Unspayed / Unneutered dogs $13.50
  • Replacement ID tags $ 15.00
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