Sept. 2008

The regular meeting of the Groveland Town Board was held on Thursday September 11, 2008 at the Town Hall.


Present: James C. Merrick, Supervisor; Burt Lyon, Kevin Niedermaier, Bill Carman,Craig Phelps, Councilman; Greg Adamson, Highway Superintendent

Absent: None


Other Attendees: Jan Rogers, Frances Teitsworth, Roger Johnson, Dave Johnson, Tim Sullivan


Town Clerk handed out monthly clerk report.

 Supervisor handed out the monthly financial report along with the Livingston County Board of Supervisor minutes.

 Supervisor called the meeting to order @ 8:04 PM

Motion by Lyon, seconded by Phelps the audited bills be paid. General Fund vouchers numbered 248-275 for $7,770.76, Light District voucher number 9 for $556.99 Preferred Care voucher number 227 for $3,648.61, Highway Fund vouchers numbered 206-225 for $58,093.9. Highway Fund voucher 226 voided. Motion carried.

Motion by Carman, seconded by Niedermaier to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 14, 2008 as written. Motion carried.

Motion by Phelps, seconded by Lyon to accept the monthly financial reports submitted. Motion carried.


Old/New Business:


INSURANCE UPDATE – Agent Jan Rogers was given privilege of the floor. He handed out copies of the renewal package and explained any changes. Supervisor asked if we inherit a cemetery are we already covered. Jan thought the policy should cover liability, but will verify. Supervisor inquired about the Compact of 4 towns if our policy covers it or is a separate policy needed. Jan feels that it requires a separate policy since it is an agreement with four other towns. Jim and Jan will follow up with each other.


Phelps commented that the vehicle rates seem high. The 2008 Silverado thought we paid around $23,000. Greg agreed. Jan will make the adjustments.


LAKEVIEW CEMETARY – Roger Johnson was given privilege of the floor. Roger stated that it has come to the point that they can no longer financially operate the cemetery with the state regulations. With great reservation asking if the town would take ownership of the cemetery. Supervisor stated that we have no choice but to take ownership if it is deserted or petitioned. Supervisor asked if there are enough funds to operate to the end of the year. Roger said he thinks they can be creative enough to do so. There was discussion on funds and how they are disbursed and what happens to the locked money when transferred.

The Snyder Brothers would be interested in continuing services once the town takes over. Niedermaier stated that we may look into utilizing local residents.

Lyon asked if the Cemetery Association closes, maybe we can set up a local advisory board. Roger seemed favorable to the idea.


Roger is waiting for the paperwork that explains all the procedures of a turnover; he will notify us when they are ready. Motion made by Niedermaier, seconded by Phelps to take over the Lakeview Cemetery with a 3 member Advisory Board when the paperwork is officially filed. Motion carried unanimously.


HIGHWAY REPORT – Greg reported that work is finished on Scottsburg Road. Next week will start the fall grading and finish road side mowing. Barber Hill Road work will start soon. He has sent the resident notifications this week.

Greg discussed some of the items listed on the Federal Surplus that he would like to consider. Dozer -$2,100, rollers about $2,000, bucket trucks around $2,000. Greg stated some of the items are in the Midwest and would like to go look at them. Board feels the prices are so reasonable that a view is not necessary, but support all his listed ideas.


EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK – Kevin handed out a proposed final draft to each member. Suggested having everyone take it home and review it and contact him directly with changes for the November meeting.


HAMPTON CORNERS REZONING – The proposed zoning needs SEQR process. Motion by Lyon, seconded by Carman to have the ZBA listed as the lead agency to process the SEQR application. Motion carried unanimously.


WEAPONS – Local Law samples passed around. If we have a peace/police officer man the metal detector we should have a law that allows them to remove any possible weapons. Motion by Lyon, seconded by Niedermaier to accept the local law #2 2008 and move for a public hearing. Public hearing set for 10/9/2008 @ 8:00 PM  Motion carried unanimously.


WEBSITE – Kevin, Burt and Sandy conducted interviews with Mark Sullivan and Tony Testa. Both are very capable. Tony laid out road map that was very clear in his presentation. Mark’s price was great but provided no layout. Motion by Carman, seconded by Lyon to hire Tony Testa to set up a town website with his bid price of $560. Phelps – Abstain from the vote. Motion carried.


LINDA CLARK – Will move to next month.


VOTER REGISTRATION RATE – We do not have a rate set for this position. Motion by Phelps, seconded by Carman to set the rate of $10.00 /hour. Motion carried unanimously.


TAX RELIEF ACT - H.R. 6603– Supervisor has been asked by the Association of Towns to submit a letter of support of this ACT. Copies were passed around for review. Motions by Lyon, second by Phelps to have the Supervisor submit letters of support. Motion carried unanimously.


RELEVY’S – Town clerk passed around a sample resolution that allows the county to levy any unpaid water and sewer charges. Motion by Niedermaier, seconded by Phelps to adopt the resolution to allow Real Property Tax Director to levy unpaid water and sewer charges. Motion carried unanimously. (See Resolution)


TENTATIVE BUDGET – Town Clerk provided a copy of the tentative budget to each member. Supervisor went over the budget and request that were submitted. He used fund balance to absorb the spending to maintain the tax rate of $3.60 per thousand. The Fire Department changes are in this budget to show a 2% increase. Supervisor pointed out the Justice office asked for 10 % or more in salaries in which he did not put through. With the new justice and court clerk turnover he did not feel a raise was warranted for the justices. He held the court clerk hours to 64 hours /week and 3% wage increases. Geneseo Ambulance services went down $1,500 but didn’t want to push to hard to where it jeopardizes services. The highway budget includes 2 new/newer trucks to replace 84 & 90 Ford Dump trucks. Keeping the 87 Mack since the box was just rebuilt.


Motion by Lyon, seconded by Carman to accept the Tentative Budget and to move to the Preliminary Budget. Public hearing to be set for 10/9/2008 @ 8:00 PM  Motion carried unanimously.


BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW REAPPOINTMENT – Arthur J. Malme is up for reappointment. Motion by Lyon, seconded by Niedermaier to reappoint Malme for the BOA to serve a five year term. Motion carried unanimously.




 Lyon mentioned he may attend the 9/24 shared services meeting.


 Niedermaier is not able to attend the October meeting.


 Supervisor mentioned that we have been awarded a Farmland Protection Grant for $25,000. Town Clerk will look for some RFP’s.


 Town Clerk reported that we did lock in an agreement with Doyle in the amount of $12,255. The extra grant funds will be used towards a solid door and improved blinds in the court.

We have applied for another JCAP grant with the help of the county Grantsman for court room and bench improvements in the amount of about $20,000. The government has authorized 5 companies to allow local government to utilize the use of credit card collection. I am looking at each one and waiting to see what the county chooses in hopes they might work together.


 Motion was made by Niedermaier, seconded by Lyon to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 PM  The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday October 9, 2008 in the town hall.



Town of Groveland     _________________________

Dated September 19, 2008    Sandra L. Bean, Town Clerk


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