Nov 2008

The regular meeting of the Groveland Town Board was held on Thursday November 13, 2008 at the Town Hall.


Present: James C. Merrick, Supervisor; Burt Lyon, Kevin Niedermaier, Bill Carman, Craig Phelps, Councilman


Absent: Greg Adamson, Highway Superintendent


Other Attendees: Joe Snyder, Larry Turner


Town Clerk handed out monthly clerk report.

Supervisor handed out the monthly financial report along with the Livingston County Board of Supervisor minutes.

 Supervisor called the meeting to order @ 8:03 PM.

Motion by Carman, seconded by Niedermaier the audited bills be paid. General Fund vouchers numbered 304-337 for $11,013.32, Light District voucher number 11 for $563.14, Preferred Care voucher number 250 for $3,648.61, Highway Fund vouchers numbered 251-274 for $15,363.98. Motion carried.

Motion by Lyon, seconded by Carman to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on October 9, 2008 as written. Motion carried.

Motion by Niedermaier, seconded by Lyon to accept the monthly financial reports submitted. Motion carried.


Old/New Business:


HIGHWAY REPORT – Greg is unable to attend, he discussed with the Supervisor that the jail trustees have been installing snow fencing.


JOE SNYDER, SEXTON FOR LAKEVIEW CEMETERY – Mr. Snyder was invited to come and give an overview of his service to the Lakeview Cemetery. Joe stated he has serviced Groveland for over 20 years that includes foundations, burial, selling and lawn care. Some of the fees charged: $400 for a plot, $350 to open/close grave ($225 is Snyder portion), $200 cremation ($50 is Snyder portion), $75 per mowing, $100 for trimming. Mowing and trimming is an average of 1/week. We take all the phone calls, fill out the deeds and forward them to Frances who then forwards onto the families. Winter plowing has never been needed. The cemetery recently sent a request to the state to raise the fees: $500 for plot, $450 to open/close, and $250 for cremation. Joe was not sure if this would apply to the take over. A grant was being applied for stone and improvements to stones, not sure of the status of the grant. He would be happy to continue the service once the town takes it over.


Supervisor asked how their prices are in comparison to other sexton services in the area. Joe says they are the same and comparable.


Supervisor stated that he hopes to continue services with Snyder’s, but we are waiting to hear from our attorney to verify if bidding will be necessary.


LOCAL LAW #3 2008 COLD WAR VETERANS EXEMPTION – Supervisor had the public hearing notice read and opened the public hearing at 8:15 PM.  He explained that Bruce indicated this law will have very little impact on our town. Motion by Phelps, seconded by Lyon to close the public hearing @ 9:50 PM and adopt the local law as written. Votes: Phelps-Aye, Lyon-Aye, Carman-Aye, Niedermaier-Aye, Merrick-Aye. Motion carried. Law will be effective once filed with the Secretary of State.


EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK – Kevin went through Greg and Sandy’s recommendations and some changes were needed. Kevin will make the changes and create the following additional forms: smoking policy, employee evaluation form, home harmless policy, purchasing policy. Changes will be prepared for the next meeting and copies provided for the justices prior to any approval.


COUNTY SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL CONTRACT – the contract is for one year effective October 15, 2008 ending October 14, 2009 at $3,900 /mile. Motion by Phelps, seconded by Lyon to do a resolution accepting the county current snow and ice contract as written. Motion carried. (See resolution 9-2008)


LINDA CLARK RESOLUTION – A final draft resolution was reviewed, and all agreed with the content. Motion by Niedermaier, seconded by Lyon to present the resolution at the next meeting and invite Bill and Sarah to attend. Motion carried. (See resolution 11-2008) Town Clerk will make the arrangements.


FARMLAND PROTECTION FUND – Supervisor stated that the paperwork is still with the attorney and will table until the next meeting. In the mean time, board members should come with 1-2 names of residents that should be considered to serve on the volunteer committee.


PLANNING BOARD APPOINTMENT – a letter from the Planning Board Chairman, John Driscoll was reviewed with his recommendation to appoint James DeCamp to the planning board from alternate member to regular member with the 2 current vacancies. It was noted that Roxanne Adamson serves as an alternate member and was not interested in becoming a regular member at this time. Motion by Niedermaier, seconded by Lyon to appoint DeCamp to fill Jerry Malme’s term that expires December 2011. Motion carried.


PUBLIC HEARING SIGNS – Code Enforcement Officer, Ron Maxwell provided to the town a sample single sided paper sign that is utilized in Livonia in order to cut costs of the sandwich signs that cost up to $400 /sign. Groveland has had a sign stolen each year and suggests going to the paper sign which can be laminated and printed for about $1.00/sign. We have a resident that can do some printing to see how they work. Motion by Lyon, seconded by Phelps to have the paper signs made and laminated. Motion carried.


EAGLE SCOUTS – It was brought to the Supervisors attention that the town has previously recognized Eagle Scouts and there are more since than and would like to see the town acknowledge them. The board discussed options and feel it would be an honor to continue this recognition. A letter should be drafted to the Eagle Scout leader asking for an updated list each year. The verbal list received shows February 2009 as the next graduation and a plaque can be made that allows names to be added each time.


CONESUS LAKE RELEVY’S – Town Clerk provided a list of Conesus Lake Water Relevys that represented 11 unpaid parcels for $2,119.96 to be added to the 2009 town and county tax bills. Motion by Phelps, seconded by Lyon to accept the list as written. Motion carried.


INTER-MUNICIPAL AGREEMENT, ALPHALT ZIPPER – Supervisor past around a letter that includes Groveland to participate in this SMSI Grant shared services by resolution to utilize funds towards the purchase of an Asphalt Zipper AZ-500 recycling/Milling machine for the purpose of road repair and rehabilitation projects on County and Town roads in Livingston County. Motion by Phelps, seconded by Lyon to allow the Supervisor to execute the resolution and contract when it comes in. Motion carried. (See resolution 10-2008)




Supervisor reported that he is in receipt of an appeal of unemployment benefits from former court clerk, Lin Callahan. It has been turned over to the Town Attorney to handle.


Supervisor passed around a copy of a letter sent from Larry Wachholder stating he felt the wall structure being built at Hainsworth Farms was in the town right of way. It was all checked out and did not fall into the town right of way and did not violate and code rules for height. This is a logged complaint.


Town Clerk handed out a public survey from the Livingston County Planning Department asking each town elected person to fill out anonymously and drop off to the Town Clerk’s office to mail all in one envelope.


Burt Lyon informed the board he attended the Correctional Advisory Board meeting and gave a report that the facilities are reducing from 8 buildings to 4. The community service groups is going from 10 to 5 groups, which means if we have plans to use these groups, advance planning is important. The good news is no loss of jobs and no reduction of inmates has occurred.


Motion by Carman, seconded by Lyon to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM.  Motion carried. The next regular meeting will be held on Thursday December 13, 2008 in the town hall.



November 21, 2008      ______________________________

Dated: November 21, 2008     Sandra L. Bean, Town Clerk



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