Sept. 2009

The regular meeting of the Groveland Town Board was held on Thursday September 10, 2009 at the Town Hall.

Present: James C. Merrick, Supervisor; Burt Lyon, Bill Carman, Craig Phelps, Kevin Niedermaier Councilman; Mark Caldwell, Deputy Highway Superintendent

Absent: Greg Adamson, Highway Superintendent

Other Attendees: Beth Rhodes, Gretchen Ippolito, Tim Sullivan

Town Clerk handed out the monthly clerk report.

 Supervisor handed out the monthly financial report along with the Livingston County Board of Supervisor minutes.

 Supervisor called the meeting to order @ 7:54 p.m.

Motion by Carman, seconded by Niedermaier the audited bills be paid. General Fund vouchers numbered 234-260 for $10,317.60; Cemetery Fund vouchers numbered 12 for $75; MVP voucher number 220 for $4,475.73; Highway Fund vouchers numbered 221-241 for $14,335.08. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Lyon, seconded by Phelps to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 13, 2009 with a spelling correction. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Phelps, seconded by Carman to accept the monthly financial reports submitted. Motion carried unanimously.


Old/New Business:


HIGHWYAY REPORT – Caldwell reported the crew has finished 3 miles worth of stone & oiled roads. Barber Hill Road work is two weeks behind. A new sander has been ordered for the new used 10-wheeler and roadside mowing still going.


HIGHWAY CONTRACT – Caldwell stated that he has a meeting on 9/14/09 with the union representative then negotiations will be forthcoming. Supervisor asked for two board members to work with negotiations. Niedermaier and Lyon will be the contact for Caldwell.


TENTATIVE BUDGET – Town Clerk passed out budgets out along with each department requests and any supportive letters. Supervisor stated the budget as presented is a barebones budget, he did put in 3% wage increases across the board to present a 2.8% increase in the tax rate. Even with utilizing $100,000 of fund balance we are seeing huge changes in some areas such as; 20% increase in FICA & Health Care, a decrease in County Sales Tax and $30,000 decrease in court revenues.

Supervisor indicated since the budget was prepared there are 2 items that he has since been notified of increases. Mayor Hatheway verbally indicated a need of a $500 increase to a total of $3,000 for the Youth Program. Motion by Lyon, seconded by Niedermaier to change line item GF-A7310.4 to $3,000. Motion carried.

Supervisor mentioned the contract came back with Dansville Ambulance which is based on usage and an average of the usage for two years which will change the 2010 budget from $3,250 to $4,100. Motion by Carman, seconded by Lyon to change line item SF1-3410.4 from $88,885 to $89,735. Motion carried.

Supervisor suggested that we move forward with the preliminary budget public hearing and allow the board members time to look closer at the budget. Supervisor stated he could have put a freeze on wages but it would not have lowered the tax rate by much. Phelps stated he is still not leaving out the option to place a freeze on wages.

Motion by Lyon, seconded by Carman to accept the tentative budget with the changes and set a public hearing for the Preliminary budget. Motion carried. Public hearing set for 10/8/09 @ 8 p.m.


INSURANCE BIDS – Craig and bill recommend staying with Selective even though it is higher. They felt that the risk was far greater with the other policy bids. We have Insurance to remove risk and NYMIR leaves risk being an independent company rather an insurance company. Other reasons provided in list provided below:

1.  Reciprocal Risk – up to 10x premium - $170,000 - $210,000 – if there is a 1 in 100 chance that = $1,700-2,100.

2.  Capital Assessment - $288 per year @ 1-4 years =? Also, will be higher if premiums are higher.

3.  Inland Marine – covering only vehicles less than 10 years at replacement cost - $262 k @ $3.64 = $957

4.  Products Completed Operations – NYMIR covers $1m per occurrence/ $1m aggregate – within the realm to have two or more occurrences - does Excess cover?

5.  Buildings – appraisal will likely result in a higher premium from NYMIR – using the rough valuation from Trident we might expect another $900 premium from that – bear in mind that in the event of a total loss that still does not guarantee replacement if quotes come in higher.

6.  NYMIR does cover legal fees in addition to settlement in the case of a third party payment

Supervisor thanked them for their time and research.

Motion by Phelps, seconded by Niedermaier to stay with Livingston Insurance and utilizing Selective as the Underwriter. Motion carried unanimously.


EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK – Niedermaier stated that he has finished the packet and will forward it to the Town Attorney for review instead of running more copies.


COURT JCAP GRANT – the 2008-2009 grant has been reviewed and the State Architect is requesting a CAD Drawing of the layout showing the proposed Justice bench. Niedermaier stated he has the ability to do it and will take it on and provide it to the Town Clerk when completed.


COUNTY SNOW & ICE CONTRACT – RESOLUTION #10-2009 – a resolution is needed to adopt the contract. The contract states a $100 increase per mile. That would be $3,900 to $4,000 per mile. Motion by Phelps, seconded by Niedermaier to do the resolution to accept the contract as presented with the County Highway Department to perform snow and ice removal on County Roads for a period beginning October 15, 2009 and ending October 14, 2010. Motion carried unanimously. (See Resolution # 10-2009)


ROAD DITCH REMENDIATION EPF – RESOLUTION #11 – 2009 – Supervisor stated that this was an approved Intermunicipal grant for $180,000 in 2006 but has been tied up in paperwork at the state level. The grant monies are to help road ditch remediation in the Conesus Lake watershed. A resolution is needed for the final stages to have the County of Livingston oversee completion of the program. Motion by Niedermaier, seconded by Phelps to do a resolution to authorize the County to oversee the remediation project. Motion carried unanimously. (See Resolution #11-2009)




Supervisor stated he has submitted a letter to Senator Burling to obtain additional funds toward the Pioneer Bridge work that needs another $200,000 to complete.


Town Clerk passed around an invitation for a Farm Tour within the county by the Genesee Valley Conservancy. It looks to be an interesting tour and limits two people from each municipality. Burt asked to be registered to attend.


Town Clerk passed out a letter from National Grid to have anyone attend and learn of their proposed Energy Efficiency Programs. If anyone is interested they have to register online.


Town Clerk reported that Tim Sullivan has submitted an appeal to a permit issued to Gretchen & Charles Ippolito by the Code Enforcement Officer to install a tractor trailer to be used as a storage unit. It has been turned over to the Town Attorney.


Town Clerk reported that notices went out to all the Planning and Zoning Board members that were lacking in the mandated training hours. I have received a response from Phil Livingston who has received 2 of his required 4 hours. Clerk asked if the board is accepting anyone without their 4 hours. The board stated no and it was suggested that the County Planning Department offers training on-line and a class will be offered in the fall by the Genesee/Finger Lakes Planning Council and that this information needs to go out to all members lacking hours.


Motion by Lyon, seconded by Carman to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. The next regular meeting is on Thursday October 8, 2009 in the town hall.


Dated: September 21, 2009            _______________________________

Town of Groveland                         Sandra L. Bean, Town Clerk


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