Mar. 2009

The regular meeting of the Groveland Town Board was held on Thursday March 12, 2009 at the Town Hall.

Present: James C. Merrick, Supervisor; Burt Lyon, Kevin Niedermaier, Bill Carman, Craig Phelps, Councilman; Greg Adamson, Highway Superintendent

Absent: None

Other Attendees: Tim Sullivan, Code Enforcement Officer, Ron Maxwell

Town Clerk handed out monthly clerk report.

 Supervisor handed out the monthly financial report along with the Livingston County Board of Supervisor minutes, and a response letter to Liv. Cty. Traffic Safety.  Supervisor called the meeting to order @ 8:01 p.m.

Motion by Carman, seconded by Niedermaier the audited bills be paid. General Fund vouchers numbered 54-78 for $15,230.83, Water District Fund voucher number 1 for $2,119.96, Preferred Care voucher number 58 for $4,340.16, Highway Fund vouchers numbered 59-87 for $12,431.79. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Lyon, seconded by Phelps to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 12, 2009 with no content changes just grammar. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Phelps, seconded by Carman to accept the monthly financial reports submitted. Motion carried unanimously.


Old/New Business:


HIGHWAY – Greg reported with the recent good weather that roadside tree removal has started back-up. Greg handed out a list of company’s website that sells to the public any left over Federal Surplus items.

Supervisor mentioned that he has requested Multi Modal money from Senator Cathy Young to help with the Pioneer Bridge replacement. Senator Young has set aside $46,000 that is pending Governor approval.


EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK – move to the next meeting. Niedermaier says he will have a complete proposal at that time.


FIRE DEPARTMENT CONTRACT – the annual contract was passed around that had spelling corrections made from the original proposal. Motion by Lyon, seconded by Niedermaier to accept the contract as written. Contract effective through December 31, 2009.


HAMPTON CORNERS REZONING – last month everyone took home for review the proposed rezoning. Motion by Lyon, seconded by Phelps to accept the rezoning as presented and move to a public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Public hearing scheduled for 4/9/09 @ 8:00p.m. Supervisor requested to have the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board at the public hearing.


CONESUS LAKE WATER DISTRICT – the referendum hearing notice has been advertised for the contract change from Geneseo to the County Water Authority. Town Clerk stated that 30 days expires on March 19th and no petitions have been received as of yet.


CONESUS LAKE – Phelps stated that the CLA is asking for each town representative to consider working together in developing lake zoning regulations and Dock & Mooring laws to form continuity around the lake. Lyon stated the idea has been within the Conesus Lake Association for many years; however, Dan Dimpl is the person that is heading the idea to make this happen.

Supervisor Merrick asked Ron Maxwell what his thoughts were to this process. Code Enforcement Association met today to discuss how this could be accomplished. Ron stated, basically, the lake is the lake and it may be impossible to find one common ground. However, we will start with the Dock & Mooring law and see how that goes. When it comes to zoning and lake property opposite of the lakeshore property, usual have steep slopes and if we get to restrictive these homeowners may get concerned and think that we are devaluing their property.

Phelps stated that there are no proposals or plan of action, just in the discussion phase.


DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORTS – Supervisor stated that he had reviewed them and found a discrepancy in the courts and they have since presented a revised report. Motion by Niedermaier, seconded by Phelps to do a resolution to accept the annual reports as written. Motion carried unanimously. (See Resolution #2 -2009)


DOG CONTROL CONTRACT – the renewal contract with the County Department of Health for town dog control was passed around. There were no changes in the contract and the rate remains the same. Motion by Lyon, second by Niedermaier to authorize Supervisor Merrick to sign the renewal dog control contract. Motion unanimously.


PLANNING BOARD APPLICATION – an application has been received by Roger Haich of Conesus Lake that he is interested in serving on the Planning Board as a regular member. His resume was passed around. Currently there are 2 vacancies. Motion by Lyon, seconded by Carman to appoint Roger Haich to fill Amy Phelps vacancy. Motion carried unanimously. Roger’s term is effective through 12/31/2012.




Supervisor commented about the memo he sent to the town Justices with the excessive hours over the budgeted weekly 64 hours, especially with the significant decrease in revenues. He stated that the revenues may not increase, but we need to be watchful in our spending.

 Supervisor passed around an article about the Federal Stimulus Funds that show where money is being directed to. The article references that monies will not be available at the local levels, but at the county level. Unless we have a new water or sewer project, we will not see any stimulus money.

 Supervisor reported that the cemetery funds have been transferred into our accounts; we left the 2 CD’s as is until they mature in October and December to avoid penalties. He will notify Baldwin to add the information to the monthly financial report.


 Carman asked Greg if he has had a chance to get with Snyder’s to learn or update the grave book. Carman wanted to pick out lots for himself but found the book layout very difficult to interpret. Greg agreed it is hard and he has not had time to review it with Snyder’s. Greg stated that the Association had a quote to have the books mapped and thought it was too expensive, but Greg thinks it would be well worth it for the town to invest in it. The quote was $2,500 a few years ago and would like to contact them to get a current price to include mapping out the new section. All agreed to have Greg to get pricing.


 Town Clerk reported that memorial brick applications are available in her office. This is help support the improvements of the Veterans Memorial located on Main Street Geneseo.


 Lyon asked the Supervisor how the new court program promoted by the District Attorney will effect our and the other local courts. Supervisor stated that it will have little effect on our town, because of the criteria requirements such as being a NYS resident; our tickets generated are mainly out of state drivers. However, it may have a larger impact on smaller towns that generate local drivers. It has not been implemented yet.


Motion by Lyon, seconded by Niedermaier to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m. The next regular meeting is on Thursday April 9, 2009 in the town hall.Dated: March 19, 2009     ________________________

Town of Groveland      Sandra L. Bean, Town Clerk



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