Apr. 2009

The regular meeting of the Groveland Town Board was held on Thursday April 9, 2009 at the Town Hall.

Present: James C. Merrick, Supervisor; Burt Lyon, Kevin Niedermaier, Bill Carman, Craig Phelps, Councilman; Greg Adamson, Highway Superintendent

Absent: None

Other Attendees: Tim Sullivan; John Driscoll – Chairman to the Planning Board; Steve Willison – Chairman to the ZBA, John Wallon, Harold Stewart, Jared Levey, Town Engineer -Todd Ewell of Clough Harbour LLP with Vice President James Trasher.

Town Clerk handed out monthly clerk report.

 Supervisor handed out the monthly financial report along with the Livingston County Board of Supervisor minutes,

 Supervisor called the meeting to order @ 7:57 p.m.

Motion by Carman, seconded by Niedermaier the audited bills be paid. General Fund vouchers numbered 79-110 for $7,004.27, Fire/Ambulance Fund voucher number 1-2 for $83,085.40, Preferred Care voucher number 88 for $4,340.16, Highway Fund vouchers numbered 91-112 for $94,177.59, vouchers 88&89 voided to move into the Cemetery Fund vouchers 1-2 for $537.98. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Lyon, seconded by Carman to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on March 12, 2009 as written. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Niedermaier, seconded by Phelps to accept the monthly financial reports submitted. Motion carried unanimously.


Old/New Business:


HIGHWAY- Greg reported that within the approved abstract were 2 vouchers to allow the purchase of 2 used 10-wheel trucks to replace our 1984 & 1990 Ford 10-wheeler trucks. Greg stated that our old trucks would go to the Palmyra auction and should be declared as surplus before going. Motion by Carman, seconded by Niedermaier to declare the 1984 & 1990 Ford 10 – wheeler trucks as surplus. Motion carried unanimously.

Greg reported that all the trees are down on Barber Hill Road and plunking stumps are the next step, but will be a few weeks before starting.


CEMETERY MAPPING – Greg reported that he has some of the paperwork and has been quoted $4,500 which may include mapping the new section. Greg would like to meet with the company before doing a full proposal. All agreed.


EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK – Niedermaier passed around an updated draft with some corrections and additions. There was discussion on smoking regulations and other forms that Kevin will put together, but suggested everyone take home the draft and bring back any questions at the next meeting.


REZONING OF HAMPTON’S CORNER – Public hearing notice read and opened to the public @ 8:00 p.m. with a correction in listing Section 3.5 & 3.6 which is the proposed section of the updated zoning, but to coincide with current zoning if approved would be referred as Section 32 & 33. Supervisor asked Chairman Steve Willison and John Driscoll to give and overview. The packets were handed out and Steve and John answered questions:

Mr. Wallon: likes the concept but asked why the hang-up on retail, it seems like smaller doctor‘s offices are not allowed? Correct, Steve replied for traffic patterns and with residential area.

Wallon: asked about 3.5 Section E-3 is a concern with the lot size and coverage- maximum of 5000 sqft. GVRPC is 6700 sqft and it doesn’t seem overly large. Wallon would rather see no cap on SQFT.

Steve: Stated that because of lot size and coverage is the very reason square footage is necessary.

Burt:  added this plan was started to keep residential protected and not to be surrounded by large commercial business, this proposal lists the best solution for all parties.

Mr. Stewart: complimented the board’s development, but is concerned if the board is locked in on the sqft, latitude would be good.

Mr. Stewart: brought up another area of concern – 20 ft. set back says no parking.

John: Stated that the idea is to protect the NE side (residential) the visual site they may have.

Burt: Thank the ZBA & Planning for the hard work and a lot of effort out in. Jim also agreed and thanked them as well.

Supervisor declared the hearing closed at 9:32 p.m.

Board discussion: Phelps stated that he is not sure we shouldn’t address square footage, so it makes it more attractive to commercial and somewhat protect the residential. Commercial does make more for our tax base.

John and Steve will take all the ideas back and see what they can come up with. Motion by Phelps, seconded by Niedermaier that no action was taken. Motion carried unanimously.


CLOUGH HARBOUR ASSOCIATES LLP – Mr. Trasher and Mr. Ewell provided handouts of stimulus packages signed by President Obama of the grants available but stated a comprehensive plan needs to be in place to apply. NYSERDA has a large area of projects that may help the town that is within the packet. Utilities and many areas can benefit Groveland. Think of areas of what you need like new buildings all around town and contact them and they will see how they can be fit into a grant.

Mr. Ewell stated that his office is a full service agency and can offer assistance with the Ag& Farmland Protection grant that could help draft a town comprehensive plan. A copy of the drafted zoning law revisions were given to CHA for their review.


Supervisor thanked CHA for their proposal. Also stated that RFP’s should be available in the next few weeks and in addition to grants the county has a grants man that we utilize at no charge. If CHA wants to research at no charge we would be happy to utilize their services.


FIRE DEPARTMENT – Fire Chief, Steve Willison brought in Asst. Fire Chief Jared Levey of West Sparta to help assist in the paperwork to file 501.C3 tax exempt status authorization. The Fire department incorporated non-profit data is now out of date. The application process is $750 and is very lengthy to process, which is why we have enlisted Jared and an attorney out of Syracuse who has handled this type of application. A sample resolution was presented. Motion by Phelps, seconded by Niedermaier to do a resolution that gives consent to the Fire Department to filing a certificate of amendment to the certificate of incorporation of the Groveland Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.  Motion carried unanimously. (See resolution 3-2009)


Steve mentioned: New Law passed that exempts CDL license for fire service to emergency aid only, does not cover under parades or training. An amendment is in the works to rectify this. This provision applies to the pumpers, not to the Durango pick-up or mini-Truck.


VITALE PARK DONATION – Supervisor had a letter from T/Livonia looking for annual donation to support the concerts in Vitale Park. Motion by Lyon, seconded by Carman to voucher the $100 donation. Motion carried unanimously.


BAN RENEWAL – Supervisor is renewing the Conesus Lake Water District @ 3.05% in the amount of $664,920 pending a resolution. It was asked if the Supervisor has considered permanent financing. Example: If we lock in now at 5% with inflation on the rise, the short term costs more but could be less in the long term. Supervisor says he would look into it, but feels he has gotten the best rate possible. Motion by Lyon, seconded by Carman to do a resolution that authorizes Mr. Merrick to renew the BAN for 1 year @ 3.05%. Motion carried unanimously. (See resolution 4-2009)


COMPACT OF TOWNS – Supervisor updated the Board, but still waiting for more information, however, it looks like it might be a good idea to disband and have it fall back onto DEC. Background: Compact was started in 1973 and was updated in 1985 without a legal body. To get proper insurance it will cost way more than we currently pay. Waiting for the Attorney’s to fight it out.


FIRE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT – the report was passed around for review and will be on file at the Town Clerk’s office if anyone would like to look at it.


TOWN HALL USE -  Town Clerk reported the hall was utilized on 3 different dates. Of the 3 times used the alarm system was set off once. Residents enjoy the use of the hall at no charge. It was asked with all the court equipment and the alarm system if the hall should continue use for residential purposes. All agreed that it should not be used and recommends any callers to contact the Fire Hall for use. Fire Chief was present and stated that 4-H and public non for profit organizations would be able to utilize the Fire Hall at no charge.


JULY MEETING DATE – Town Clerk indicated that she would be away for the regular meeting in July and Betty would be working, but Betty does not feel comfortable preparing all the vouchers. Motion by Lyon, seconded by Niedermaier to move the regular meeting of July 9th to the 3rd Thursday on July 16th. Motion carried unanimously.




JAIL PROJECT – Supervisor passed around figures of building a jail and figures to farm it out, which shows no significant savings to farm it out. The county is going forward with building its own new jail.


Motion by Phelps, seconded by Carman to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. The next regular meeting is on Thursday May 14, 2009 in the town hall.


Dated: April 22, 2009                                                 ____________________________ Town of Groveland                                                    Sandra L. Bean, Town Clerk




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