Planning & Zoning

Planning Board


The Groveland Planning Board is comprised of five members appointed by the Town Board for a five year term. Their responsibilities include reviewing and approving applications for subdivision plans and commercial site plans and issuing specific conditional use permits. Educational training per year and specific meeting attendance is required of all board members.


Completed applications are to be turned into the Town Clerk 2 weeks prior to a scheduled night to be considered.


Meets 4th Monday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Town Hall, 4955 Aten Road


  • Randy Clymo, Chair
  • Barb Dantz
  • Charles Keenan
  • Evelyn James
  • Vacant- contact the town clerk if interested in the position
  • Roxanne Adamson, Alternate
  • Trista Tozier, Secretary

Click here for meeting minutes

Draft Agenda

Public Hearing Notice





Zoning Board of Appeals


The Groveland Zoning Board of Appeals is comprised of five members appointed by the Town board for a five year term. Their responsibilities include issuing specific conditional use permits, interpreting decisions of administration officials, and hearing area and use variance applications. Educational training per year and specific meeting attendance is required of all board members.


Meets 3rd Monday of each month at 7 PM as needed in the Town Hall, 4955 Aten Road.


Completed applications must be submitted to the Town Clerk's office at least 4 weeks prior or earlier if a holiday falls near to any scheduled night to be considered.


  • Pattie Johnston, Chair
  • Dave Tozier
  • William Magee
  • Michael Musumeci
  • Abigail Bean
  • Phil Livingston, Jr. Alternate
  • Trista Tozier, Secretary

Click here for meeting minutes

Public Hearing Notice- Hale & McTarnaghan

Draft Agenda



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